Our Earth Ambassadors build intergenerational connections, appreciate and grow the best of what is already working in our communities and nurture that which is potential in our lives and communities. Our activities connect schools, public and private organizations to young people seeking leadership development, academic invigoration, emotional and social connection, career exploration and civic opportunities. This could be through in and out of school social and emotional programming, mentoring, service-learning, place-based education and internships.
Earth Ambassadors Program Manager Tina Wong named “2022 Contra Costa Woman of the Year”
Our Earth Ambassadors program encompasses several projects including Recycling and Water Stewardship and EcoKids Workshops.
Give a Creek A Voice – Public Service Announcement!
New Leaf Collaborative’s Earth Ambassadors program provides experiential and hands-on opportunities for K-14 students and community partners that develop ecological and cultural stewardship that is rooted in social and emotionally vibrant learning environments. Our program outcomes are guided by social and emotional learning standards and create connection to place, community, career pathways, and civic engagement. Our participants become socially-empowered agents of change.
We collaboratively design and offer to students a variety of opportunities to identify, create and facilitate projects that build ecological and cultural stewardship, as well as social and emotional learning. Our program goals include a focus on:
Experiential Learning with a focus on Hands-on, Outdoor Education: We support opportunities for hands-on, experiential learning that extend beyond the traditional classroom to ignite curiosity, reflection, and connection to cultural and natural resources.
Social and Emotional Expression through Arts, Mindfulness, and Diversity: We promote social and emotional learning by creating artistic opportunities to explore and identify with stories of place in ways that ennoble student stories.
Civic Engagement: We provide opportunities for youth to understand civic processes, embrace ownership in them and be empowered to actively engage in those processes.
Ecoliteracy Literacy: We promote ecological literacy in order to foster an informed and active community of stewards. .